Take Time to Invest in You
The New York State Bar Association has embraced eight (8) pillars of attorney well-being. As a member of the NYSBA Committee dedicated to well-being, I am advocating for more joy in the practice of law (not an easy task). 😃
Soooooooooo welcome to my first Wellness Wednesday Tips for Attorneys (and anyone else embracing mindfulness).
This month's NYSBA pillar focuses on Financial Wellbeing just in time for filing our tax returns.
As we well know, attorneys are under tremendous pressure to produce and be "successful".
I implore you to take 5 minutes (not even .1 of billing time) to write down what success means to you. Use bullet points if that's easiest. 🕰
Now take a deep cleansing breath, pull your shoulders down and feel a wave of calmness flowing through your body.
Key to your financial well-being is being healthy in mind, body & spirit. Starting with the mind, it is imperative for all of us to practice hitting "RESET". 🗝
We "practice" law. We can also "practice" mindfulness to positively impact our financial well-being. And thankfully there is significant scientific research to back this up.
Reach out if you are interested in the research and resources I have gathered. And don't forget to wiggle your toes. Yes, research confirms that this helps calm the brain too. Who knew?